Pounce !
pounced, pounc·ing, pounc·es
1. To spring or swoop with intent to seize someone or something:
Often when an idea starts to form I will seize it with little or no restraint. I’m not sure if this is a good thing, but I don’t seem to be able to grasp things any other way. Depending on my enthusiasm (sometimes I will wear out the idea or abandon it ) and the practicality of it, some ideas are pursued and others discarded. Yet initially most ideas start from the same point, unbridled fervour. Which is consuming. The intensity of the idea and the further endless thought processes are often overwhelming and can spur on action or conversely deferment. Because, along with this action is fear; the fear that what I want to make will not be possible and this fear is also tiring as it can lead to procrastination in an endless loop of postponement. This is the point when some ideas get jettisoned because they seem so impractical and they have worn themselves out. While other ideas remain just that ideas to be placed to one side shuttled backwards in a mental list of future projects.
Yet nowhere in this initial process does logic have any sway. It’s all intuition, the art form and the instinct of subtle elusive meaning. Logic is often the reason that ideas get abandoned as the pounce or swoop of the idea is totally not just impractical, but so nebulous it lacks credence. But, without the initial leap and the unrestrained thought process it’s my belief (especially for me) that creativity would be dumbed down, stifled and passionless.